Park It On Market is a 500-stall public parking garage located at the corner of 6th Avenue and Market Street. Open 24-hours a day, special event and monthly permit pricing available.
Established by the City of San Diego in 1997 in order to invest in and manage public parking assets within downtown San Diego. The DCPD’s goal is to increase the supply and manage the existing supply of public on-street and off-street parking, calm traffic, reduce congestion, promote walking and biking, provide for pedestrian safety improvements and improve neighborhood appearance. Downtown has several major regional attractions that create a need for smart parking management such as the San Diego Bay and waterfront, the Convention Center, Petco Park, the Historic Gaslamp Quarter restaurants and retail, and India Street restaurants and retail, to name a few. The Downtown Community Parking District is administered by Civic San Diego.
Take a short, 10-question survey to help us gain insight on how San Diegans use our garages, as well as how parking downtown as a whole is viewed.